About us

Centre for Entrepreneurship Development Madhya Pradesh

The Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, Madhya Pradesh globally acclaimed as CEDMAP has been functioning progressively and incredibly for over three decades. The organization has set a benchmark in skill development and entrepreneurship evolution as a diligent and significant hand holder. 

CEDMAP has been prominently fostered by the State Government of Madhya Pradesh and Central Financial Institution. Although it has a staunch endorsement of a leading bank of the state too it still stands apart as an autonomous body and not-for-profit institution. It was established in the year 1988 and registered under the Firms & Societies Act 1973. The organization has accomplished gigantic success in the field of entrepreneurship development activities for the upliftment of society in the States of Madhya Pradesh (MP) and Chhattisgarh (CG). 

Executive Director's


Anuradha Singhai
Executive Director
View Profile

"There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others" - Mandy Hale

This ideology holds for CEDMAP which is a dynamic, empathetic 34-year-old fully autonomous government organization working on entrepreneurship development, large-scale inclusion, and livelihood. As its Executive Director, it is an honour and privilege for me to be a part of this magnanimous journey toward the economic growth of the country.

As a die-hard philanthropist, it was my heartiest desire to work in an organization that is committed to the upliftment of the millions of people in our society. CEDMAP has given me that platform since it is diligently working towards generating livelihoods for people especially the deprived and underprivileged.

For decades CEDMAP with its noble and philanthropic vision has strived for 100% employment/self-employment. This has been possible due to Innovation, inclusion, and a demarcated sustainable economic growth of the society through employment, self-employment, skill upgradation, and allied services.

Before the pandemic, the scenario was very scintillating but post-pandemic it has become quite heart-wrenching. Millions of people lost not only their family members but the only source of their livelihood too. Lakhs of businesses closed shops and the situation was alarmingly critical for start-ups and their founders. In such an ambiance our organization and our team have taken up this empathetic mission to aid Entrepreneurship development, training, skilling, capacity building of fresh ideas, clusters development, research and surveys, Financial Inclusion, Manpower outsourcing, etc.

With this perspective, we are introducing scores of productive new projects on innovative concepts with the objective of employment, self-employment- livelihood for all. For the sustainability of qualitative and outcome-oriented results, we are launching management through e-governance for utmost transparency and achieving the core vision of CEDMAP THAT IS EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND EARNINGS FOR ALL.

The revolutionary and brilliant ideas of the youth need to become a reality. They can be game changers if they get the mandatory counselling towards career & vocation, learning & skill development.

So, to give committed support to aspiring and existing entrepreneurs and potential employment seekers we are strategically structuring some distinctive facilities like Skill labs & incubation centres’, E-commerce marketplace with effective supply chain management, Recruitment facilitation and Manpower outsourcing, Physical & virtual awareness programs, reaching the masses through digital mediums about entrepreneurship, start-up, recruitment & allied topics, A blueprint for paradigm shifts in activities and projects; at and through the organization is in place to bring about substantial change in employment, learning, and allied scenario in the state.

Thank you for your precious moments and interest in the organization. I invite you to browse our website and discover how we work with our stakeholders to create a positive and developed ecosystem.

I welcome all stakeholders to partner with us in this transformational venture and significant movement in our organization.




CEDMAP Initiative of Food Incubation Centre is a promising opportunities for aspiring and existing entrepreneurs at ideation stage, survival stage and growth stage.

Training & Capacity Building

An individual requires formal education and training to take-up a job or initiate a business enterprise for the livelihood. Once the budding entrepreneur gets formal training on establishing and growing a venture, the benefits and rewards are greater from the investment made by him in business/enterprise. Thus, by linking training and development with the government initiatives becomes fruitful.

Knowledge Centre

CEDMAP endeavors to disseminate the knowledge, information and data to various stakeholders.

Career Counselling

CEDMAP under its mission, ventures out to channelize the youth to productive, remunerative and passionate avenues.

Entrepreneur Handholding

CEDMAP novel initiative to provide handholding to existing and aspiring entrepreneurs to grow and develop through a pool of domain Experts.

Marketing Support

CEDMAP with its vision to provide livelihood for one and all extends Marketing Support to the existing and aspiring entrepreneurs to increase the customer based through trade fairs, exhibition, digital platforms and much more

Research & Impact Evaluation

The government interventions and policy initiatives are implemented to facilitate holistic growth and welfare of the people of the country. This requires, first assessment of the gap to identify the need, kind and outcome of the interventions and policy initiatives. Secondly after the implementation of the interventions and policy initiatives, there is a need to assess whether the implementation was fruitful and rewarding or not. Such studies and research are conducted by and through CEDMAP.



1. Get free online EDP training & certificate  (click here)

2. RFP for Empanelment of Manpower Agency to provide Manpower under Annual Rate Contract [MP Tenders Tender ID: 2024_CEDMP_360380_1]   

Monday, 5 August · 3:00 – 7:00pm Google Meet joining info Video call link :   



3. Date of Technical presentation by eligible bidders 29-Aug.-2024. 
Thursday, August 29 • 3:00 – 7:00pm

Google Meet joining info
Video call link:







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